3. Hania, Crete by neophotography
Orfeas Peridis by George Christakos
Athens City Life by Peteris Strautins
The town of Kalambaka by Nikola Gruev
Paros by Christian Loup
Elounda May & September by A_Phil
Museum of Cyladic Art by Brian McMorrow
Homecoming Exhibition by Brian McMorrow
Athens new International Airport - a non-looking back takeoff? by Sotiris Blatsis
2014 ☆ Nisyros ☆ Mandraki (Greece) by Tomasz Mikonowicz
Macedonia & Thrace, Greece by Leo Tukker
2005-09: Michalis Chatzigiannis by Ilias Chantzakos (Elias Hantzakos)